1. Get a smart doorbell or outdoor security camera with night vision, and remember to look before opening the door (Cornelius, 2023).
a. Purchase a security system that directly alerts police (NNW, 2023).
b. Arm your home alarm system and lock the doors before leaving for dinners, etc.
i. Use your home alarm system phone app to check your security camera for suspicious activity (Cornelius, 2023).
a. Clear steps and lawns of any tripping hazards (electric cords, hoses, etc.) (Edgar Snyder & Associates, 2023).
b. Keep your sidewalks, porches, and pathways clearly lit (Edgar Snyder & Associates, 2023).
i. Install outdoor lighting (activated by a photocell or movement) to illuminate the area around your home (NNW, 2023).
c. Trim shrubs and large trees so your stalker will have fewer hiding spots (NNW, 2023).
d. Make sure your homeowners insurance policy is up to date (NNW, 2023).
1. Check the batteries in your smoke detectors.
a. Test them (Cornelius, 2023).
i. There should be a smoke detector on every level of your home, as well as in every bedroom. Smoke detectors in kitchens are not advised.
1. Be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave the house, even for a few minutes (LAPD, 2023).
2. Indoor and outdoor lights should be on an automatic timer.
i. Keep your porch lights on (FirstLight, 2023).
3. Make sure your homeowners insurance policy is up to date (NNW, 2023).
4. Purchase a security system that directly alerts police (NNW, 2023).
a. Arm your home alarm system and lock doors when leaving.
i. Use your phone app to check your security camera (Cornelius, 2023).
Maryland female stalking victims reported 49.0 % lifetime occurrence rate of approach and showing up (Smith, et al., 2017). Be alert for suspicious persons, not just your known stalker; they may send what is known as a "proxy." Positively identify visitors before opening the door. Installing cameras on all doors is recommended.
Maryland female stalking victims reported 55.5% lifetime occurrence rate of damage to personal property (Smith, et al., 2017). Install lights and cameras in locations that cannot be easily tampered or removed. Secure all windows, make sure if the individual/stalker has a key that locks are changed and keys kept hidden/secure. Trim shrubs, and check the premises to ensure no one is hiding before entering the home.
Lock fuse boxes, have lanterns/candles, etc. accessible. Maintain fire extinguishers and fire detectors in the home. Keep emergency contact information for relevant individuals accessible and up to date.
Household staff should have security background checks prior to employment and should be briefed on security once hired. No discussions on security should be discussed outside the home.
Maryland female stalking victims reported 28.3 % lifetime occurrence rate of unwanted gifts (Smith, et al., 2017). Be alert to unusual packages or mail on the premises, do not disturb the items. Take pictures, and call the police.
When away from the residence, for extended periods, have a trusted individual check the mail, and if possible put lights on a timer, or use another similar deterrent. Tell trusted neighbors when you are not home to enable them to be vigilant.
Park in a secure location, such as a garage. If street parking is the only option, try to park in different locations, but travel to and from the car carefully such as on the phone, and/or with protection devices.
Inform neighbors or apartment personnel of the stalking situation. Provide photos and/or description of the person(s) and/or their vehicles well as any pertinent information, and tell them to call the authorities if any suspicious activity occurs.
Security systems may or may not include window and door alarms, interior alarms, other monitoring of the property as well as cameras. For the purposes of not only your own safety and protection, but also evidence, cameras may be valuable.
Doors that are solid, without windows, and locks that lock automatically are recommended. It is not recommended that keys or codes be given out unnecessarily.
Windows should be properly locked, and bars should be in place for windows that can be slid open. Additionally, windows should be covered adequately. This can entail, blinds, shades, curtains, or frosting.
Options outside of expensive security "systems" may include buying individual monitors for doors and windows, which can be placed on interior and exterior doors, for a low cost. Additionally, round indoor security mirrors can be placed in corners of your home, or "blind spots."
Living environments may vary and make it difficult to control one's ability to maintain the exterior of their dwelling safely. However, if you are able, clear the foliage to keep your stalker from lurking in/around your home and/or create some type of barrier such as a fence.
There are "alarm" dogs trained to alert you to danger or suspicion, on command, or at the advance. This dog is not trained to bite, but rather serve as a deterrent only.
A guard dog or "personal protection" dog will protect the person he is with or his property. These dogs will engage the suspect with a proper bite and hold
when commanded, or if you are physically attacked, giving you a chance to get away. The dog will then release on command.
Copyright © 2024 Just Stalking - All Rights Reserved.
Just Stalking: Resources, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 93-4264447).
Disclaimer: We are NOT a legal, mental health, medical, victims' advocate provider(s). We are NOT certified educators, financial experts, security specialists, or self-defense experts. While some of our staff may have training, background, or experience in legal, mental health, medical, victims' advocacy, education, financial, security, or self-defense fields pertaining to Maryland, none of our staff is currently, licensed, or certified specialists in the aforementioned fields. WE ARE NOT PROVIDING ADVICE, IN SUCH FIELDS. OUR GOAL IS TO DIRECT VICTIMS TO APPLICABLE PROVIDERS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, USING RELEVANT EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH & PRACTICES. WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO PROVIDE RESOURCES FOR ALL AFOREMENTIONED TIPS. IF YOU ARE IN DISTRESS PLEASE CALL 911.