Just Stalking has researched legislative policies and agendas throughout the country on local and national levels to model its agenda after legislation that has passed and that has already been proposed. The goals are to enhance policies Maryland to better serve victims, not to be punitive.
If you or someone you know has been stalked, please consider contacting us, or your local representative to voice your interest and concern regarding enhancements to our laws to better support and protect victims.
Schell and Lanteigne, 2000, p. 154
Under Maryland's current Law stalking victims, like our founding Executive Director, Turquoise Williams, are entitled only to 'peace,' provided by the Peace order, which is a limited stay-away order, with a shorter time-frame, requiring a fee, not the enhanced 'protection' granted by the Protective Order which requires alleged respondents to have been in a domestic relationship, sexual relationship, or having had committed a sexual offense against the petitioner.
Just Stalking: Maryland Resources, Board President, Margo Williams, alongside Turquoise Williams, Executive Director, explain the need for equal protections for stalking victims. Currently in Maryland stalking victims may not receive the same level of protection if the respondent is not a domestic partner, shared a residence, or had sexual relations, leaving many at a disadvantage despite the rate of persistence and recurrence among acquaintance stalkers, and their victims. Stalking may be minimized among these groups, due to the lack of violence however, research suggests the course of conduct can be identified as early as two weeks, with an average maintaining behavior for at least one year. However, the eligibility for Peace Orders in Maryland are only six months.
The purpose of SB743/HB745 is to enable those who do not have domestic or sexual entanglements with their stalkers equal protections under the law.
The purpose of SB 684 is to ensure that crime victims are not left in the dark when a sentenced defendant is released from prison.
Requiring a certain commitment unit to include in a notification given to a victim, victim's representative, or witness regarding the release from confinement of a sentenced defendant or child respondent the name and telephone number of the lead victim services employee of the State's Attorney's office of the county in which the sentenced defendant or child respondent was prosecuted.
Stalking of a minor child can be extremely damaging psychosocially. They are also put at risk for physical harm. At least nine states allow for enhancements for stalking of minor children. In addition, it should be considered that stalking of other vulnerable populations such as those with disabilities and elders, could also be considered more dangerous and should therefore be considered for an enhancement.
Aiding and abetting a stalker, often in the literature known as "proxy stalking," is the assistance of a third party in the primary stalker's pursuit of their victim/target. While some may be unaware of the stalker's motive(s), many are well-informed of the stalker's agenda and are willing participants.
Many stalking victims in the state of Maryland may only be eligible for a Peace Order, which is only initially valid for six months. This may be extended for an additional six months, but must be renewed following this period after another incident. However, victims are not eligible for protective orders unless they have met the criteria of being a family member, sharing a residence, or being a sexual assault victim. Stalking lasts an average of two years, but can recur as many as 15 years later, thus we advocate that victims should be eligible for permanent orders.
Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA), is federal legislation that has been proposed to protect employees by allowing them the needed time to recover from IPV and stalking. Victims often require physical and mental health, legal, or relocation services following such incidents, and as many as 21-60% of victims lose their jobs following abuses (Rothman, et al. 2007). However, only eight states provide legal protections for such victims and employers are not required to provide protections. Victims may not have enough vacation or sick leave to 'accommodate' a stalking 'incident' (Rothman, et al., 2007).
After a few of the most recent celebrities were killed by their stalkers, there were calls to action regarding the creation of a national registry for stalkers. However, there is often less discussion around the recidivism rates, as opposed to their lethality. According to a study published by Coupland, et. al. (2023), the "[...] estimated stalking recidivism was 32% at 5 years after discharge from the clinic, 39% at 10 years after discharge, and 74% at 20 years after discharge. These findings are consistent with the nascent literature on stalking recidivism[...]"
Some states have differentiated between stalking and aggravated stalking; thus elevating the charge from a misdemeanor to a felony. As such, if there is a "credible threat," use of a weapon, or stalking of a minor, the stalking charge can be enhanced to "aggravated stalking."
Gross, 2012, p. 193-194
Copyright © 2024 Just Stalking - All Rights Reserved.
Just Stalking: Resources, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 93-4264447).
Disclaimer: We are NOT a legal, mental health, medical, victims' advocate provider(s). We are NOT certified educators, financial experts, security specialists, or self-defense experts. While some of our staff may have training, background, or experience in legal, mental health, medical, victims' advocacy, education, financial, security, or self-defense fields pertaining to Maryland, none of our staff is currently, licensed, or certified specialists in the aforementioned fields. WE ARE NOT PROVIDING ADVICE, IN SUCH FIELDS. OUR GOAL IS TO DIRECT VICTIMS TO APPLICABLE PROVIDERS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, USING RELEVANT EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH & PRACTICES. WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO PROVIDE RESOURCES FOR ALL AFOREMENTIONED TIPS. IF YOU ARE IN DISTRESS PLEASE CALL 911.