Our position at Just Stalking: Resources, is to focus on state specific resources, given that every state, even jurisdiction/muniscipality, can have differing laws, policies, and procedures. However, we are aware those from across the country may come across our site, given the lack of stalking specific resources, we want to continue to support and provide resources for those most in-need. We will use this space to post about laws, resources, service providers, as well as other relevant events, such as national or web-based conferences. These pages will continue to grow, with your support, feedback, and involvement.
If you know of a resource in your jurisdiction or country and would like to share them with us, please feel free. We will also post about any relevant stalking laws, lack-thereof, or if you have a relevant question you would like us to investigate.
This organization was created a source of information for victims of stalking. This organization was created in response to a devastating stalking incident in Massachusetts in 1998, when "Sandy" was working as a waitress at a restaurant. A customer asked her on a date, she declined. he continued to come in, staring intently. She obtained a PPO. "He began stalking her day and night...taking away her freedom and eventually her life!" He hand-delivered a package-bomb to her home. She was murdered by her stalker on January 20, 2000. Thus, her older sisters advocated for "Sandy's Law," Massachusetts.
To share your feelings, give or receive support, consider joining their online group: VictimsofStalking@yahoogroups.com.
This nonprofit, also built through lived experiences of the founders, has three basic agendas to create a community for those impacted by stalking and its aftereffects. To changing society’s perception of stalking, increasing its visiblibility and misperception of its dangers. Additionally, to advocate for improved and effective legislation. They have worked with security experts, forensic psychologists, stalking experts, advocates, and researchers to identify useful resources, research, and tips for victims and those in their circle to educate, advocate, and protect themselves.
They are in the process of creating an interactive platform that will allow users to share information safely with customized security-specific features that will create a "global community of support" within the stalking community, given the isolating, self-blame, and often devastating fear and other effects of stalking.
As the comprehensive national resource center, SPARC takes a multifaceted approach to equipping service providers, the CJS, and other first responders with the information and resources they need to better serve victims of stalking. They provide in-person and online training on recognizing and responding to stalking. They provide discipline-specific materials and guidance including educational materials for those in educational environments. Additionally, they offer individualized technical assistance and policy/protocol development for professionals in the field. Sharing information on prevalence rates, impacts, and dynamics, including stalking's affect on marginalized communities and intersection(s) with other crimes and victimization(s). They also empower stalking awareness efforts. SPARC provides training and technical assistance to U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grantees and potential grantees, they are not a direct service provider and do not serve victims of stalking.
VCRC is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST through phone, chat, and text-based. This is a referral helpline operated by the National Center for Victims of Crime. Services are available for all victims of crime in the United States and its territories. Victims receive strength-based and trauma-informed services and referrals in over 200 languages.
The Victim Assistance Specialists receive extensive training and mentoring to provide emotional support. This is a referral center to provide information, ranging from physical, psychological, legal, and financial consequences of crime. Referrals are tailored to individual needs and can be made to local, state, and national organizations.
Victim Connect: 9am-5pm EST Call or Text 1-855-484-2846
The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides suggestions and resources for stalking safety planning in a DV/IPV situation. They include information about home security, documentation, and cybersecurity.
24/7 Hotline Call: 1-800-799-7233
TTY: 1-800-787-3224
Text: 88788: "Start"
GDBA is a National Security services provider whose clients have included executives, public figures, government officials, federal and state agencies, universities, and more throughout the United States.. GDBA designed MOSAIC Threat Assessment Systems used by many agencies, including the Top 25 Universities, and by State Police agencies protecting 14 Governors. MOSAIC is a computer-assisted, error avoidance method for professionals conducting comprehensive threat assessments. It was designed by a team of experts in psychology, law enforcement, victims’ advocacy, and threat assessment, to improve the decision-making. GDBA also conducts an Advanced Threat Assessment Academy: this involves, Active Shooter Prevention Training: which assists schools, universities, businesses and organizations in developing practices, policies, and procedures that reduce the likelihood and harms of active shooter situations. Academy for Protectors: offers full immersion training at their facility, where students learn GDBA's techniques in close protection, behavioral awareness, surveillance detection, among other skills.
Additionally, they have developed a Resources page for the general public, including books for purchase. GDBA offers a no-cost "risk assessment" that can be done anonymously, for anyone affected by domestic violence, utilizing their MOSAIC technology.
Gavin de Becker a leading expert on violence and safety provides this master class based on the concepts in his book, The Gift of Fear a bestseller on violence for 25 years.
Using real-life situations as well as his own story to teach lifesaving strategies, he explores safety challenges for women, teenagers and children, stories become teaching moments. From these discussions as well as from interviews, with an array of experts on violence, we learn that we each have everything we need to predict violence, attain safety, and have less unwarranted fear.
Jana’s Campaign is a national education and violence prevention organization with the mission of reducing gender and relationship violence. In honor of the late Jana Mackey and other victims and survivors of gender and relationship violence, Jana’s Campaign delivers educational programs that address domestic and dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking.
They provide education for secondary school students and teachers.
Higher education trainings.
Awareness toolkits for the community.
Phone: 785-656-0324
Email: janascampaign@gmail.com
StrongHearts Native Helpline is confidential and anonymous culturally-appropriate domestic and sexual violence helpline. They offer services at no cost:
24/7 Hotline: 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)
OutrageUs’ is a online nonprofit producing mini-documentaries and creating informational materials focused on IPV/DV stalking. They create tool and strategies based on research to help victims and communities stop partner abuse. OutrageUs is advocating for change in how communities understand and respond to partner abuse by providing them with the multimedia resources they need for education and the development of strong networks of support and protection.
Located in Los Angeles, CA (90095), The Threat Management Unit was formed to investigate and manage cases of workplace violence, harassment, threats, and stalking. The unit provides training. The Sergeant is a member of the Campus’ Behavioral Assessment Team, with the responsibility to investigate, document and manage subjects of concern.
Business Hours: Tuesday – Friday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Email: devivero@ucpd.ucla.edu(link sends email)
Phone: (310) 794-6881
Copyright © 2024 Just Stalking - All Rights Reserved.
Just Stalking: Resources, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 93-4264447).
Disclaimer: We are NOT a legal, mental health, medical, victims' advocate provider(s). We are NOT certified educators, financial experts, security specialists, or self-defense experts. While some of our staff may have training, background, or experience in legal, mental health, medical, victims' advocacy, education, financial, security, or self-defense fields pertaining to Maryland, none of our staff is currently, licensed, or certified specialists in the aforementioned fields. WE ARE NOT PROVIDING ADVICE, IN SUCH FIELDS. OUR GOAL IS TO DIRECT VICTIMS TO APPLICABLE PROVIDERS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, USING RELEVANT EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH & PRACTICES. WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO PROVIDE RESOURCES FOR ALL AFOREMENTIONED TIPS. IF YOU ARE IN DISTRESS PLEASE CALL 911.